Event Date
Critical Bioethics: A Feminist Perspective
Join us for this first meeting of a new collaborative working group- refreshments will be served!
- UC Davis Feminist Research Institute Working Group
- October 24, 2019—3pm
- Feminist Research Institute
307 Orchard Park Drive, Davis
From human germline editing to the use of VR for treating PTSD, what appears ubiquitous in public debate surrounding innovative methods in biomedicine are calls for bioethical attention to the “social implications” of such practices. In this context, we would like to better understand: what makes a moral perspective into an authoritative bioethical expertise? Why do some idioms of writing and speaking about morality and risk have more currency than others in the practice of biomedicine and bioethical research? As feminist voices continue to be sidelined in biological engineering; by experimenting with the limits between disciplines and idioms we hope to explore spaces of porosity and opportunities for feminist viewpoints to acquire more legibility in the determination of “what is right and wrong” in the life sciences.In the spirit of collaborative research that characterizes the mission of the FRI, and to foster transdisciplinary dialogue, students with scientific, medical or legal backgrounds are especially invited to join!